I Did It!

For as long as I can remember, even as far back as being “that child” who wrote stories at home and brought them in for the teacher to read during milk time, I have wanted my stories to be heard.

Gone, however, is the eagerly confident five year old who didn’t care that the teacher had carefully chosen today’s story and built a lesson plan around it. In her place, is a terrified but still eagerly optimistic adult who still wants her stories to be heard but doesn’t quite have the confidence to wave it in the face of the world.

Well, recently, that stance took a slight shift.

Growing impatient with myself and a little curious, I decided to see what would happen if I put one of my chapter books out there.

And so I did! I have self-published my very first book.

The book is a humorous, lighthearted chapter book aimed at children 7+.

Called The Naughty Corner Club, it tells the story of a group of unlikely friends who, having been labelled as naughty so many times, decide to embrace the title and wreak havoc and revenge on their teachers. However, they soon meet their match in a new supply teacher. With surprising twists and relatable characters, children will enjoy the fast-paced story whilst being immersed in rich vocabulary.

So there you have it, my shameless plug.

The book has received some excellent feedback and I’m over the moon!

That said, the experience is very new and slightly overwhelming And as such I have devised a set of rules for myself:

1. Whenever someone says they’ve ordered it, stop squirming with embarrassment and telling them it might be rubbish. (This is a terrible character trait of mine and I must stop it! It’s not rubbish… it might be… SEE! )

2. Whenever anyone asks me to sign their copy… well refer to the above.

3. Whenever anyone, anywhere directs any type of positivity my way – refer to point number one.

Im learning… slowly. I’m even considering a series! Although I might try to see if a real life publisher will take it on board…

And so, if anyone would like to take a look, it’s on amazon now both as paperback and ebook. Apparently, it’s pretty good!
